Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Labor Day Paddle

In an attempt to make my presence in the home scarce on Monday, I loaded up the kayak and headed for McNary Lake. It's called a lake, but it's really a series of large ponds and waterways, but none the less a very nice place to paddle, but talk about crowded! I actually had to wait in line to launch my kayak, as people would lumber to shore and then leave there kayaks and canoes in the 10 foot wide launch area while they wander around near their vehicles, but I digress.

Once in the water everything is always better. People tend to paddle away from you. I do however, find it very fun to paddle as silently as possible and sneak up behind people who are meandering though the channel. The Greenland style paddle I use can be quite silent if used correctly. The look on peoples faces as you glide up beside them, say hello, and then accelerate away from them is close to priceless. Especially, with a beer tucked in the front pocket of your PFD.

Upon reaching the end of the channel it widens out and I found a nice little hard-mudded shore area to beach the kayak. I dragged the kayak into the shade, pulled out my camp chair, a little snack and another beer and sat in the shade and relaxed. I believe I was pretty invisible, as some kayakers paddled right past me about 30 yards off shore and didn't even seem to be aware of my presence. (In their defense it was really sunny and I was in the shade.)

Side Note: There is a beaver in this area by the look of the chewed through trees that were sitting in front of me. I however, did not make contact with said beaver.

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